Connor's Bye Bye Hair (Head shave)

Connor Sams 14th February 2021


On the 5th May 2020, my amazing Gramps passed away following a long battle with cancer.

He stayed at St Elizabeth's Hospice from January 2020 until April 2020, where due to the global pandemic he decided he wanted to be at home so that family would be able to see him, due to the nature of the Hospice, they had no choice but to severely limit visitors.

They did the most phenomenal job, and they still do. The support they have given this family is out of this world, and will never be forgotten.

So in these challenging times, I want to do something to give back.

I'm going to shave my head to raise money for them in my Gramps' memory. My ideal goal would be if we could raise £100, but if you can donate please do.

I'm going to have a couple more days with my hair and on Sunday 14 February, it is going. For those who know me personally you know how terrified I am about having no hair. It also means my beard needs to go too 😱😱😱

Please donate if you can - and please do share to get as many people who can donate to this incredible service can do!

As always, stay safe, be kind 

Here you go Gramps, you always said I should get a haircut. Its happening in your name. I miss you so much it hurts x
